Wednesday, January 7, 2009


by Oliver Wolcott

Many states are embracing a new way of government that comes with federalism being included in our Constitution, a controversial move that left many wondering if those in Philadelphia had lost their minds. The concept of federalism is that the government will be a large central power, surrounded by smaller state powers. It was included in the Constitution so that there would be no central government too powerful, mirroring a monarchy, yet there wouldn't be a weak central government, a weakness of the Articles of Confederation. In our government, the central government will be stationed in Philadelphia whilst the smaller state governments will hold power in their respective states. Yet some weren't so optimistic on the change. We found a young woman crying in the street. "I'm just so confused," she wept. "I keep trying to wrap my mind around it. I hear, federalism, federalism, and all I can hear and think is feudalism, feudalism, feudalism! I fell like I'm hitting a brick wall here! Am I losing my mind?" Here's hoping our future is a little more bright.

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