Wednesday, January 7, 2009


by Samuel Adams

As I was inventing new flavors of beer, I realized that this Constitution is NOT a good direction for our country to be going. Why, you ask? Well, I still fail to realize what was so terribly wrong about our old government - the good ol' AOC. Sure, it had some issues, but a whole NEW document? Preposterous! Ridiculous! Absurd! Phantasmagorical! I think that the idea of a weaker central government was great. I mean, sure, we states had our squabbles, but did anything horrible happen? Did we have any wars? No! It was a decade or so of domestic tranquility! And now we want to strengthen our central government AND have a commander-in-chief? Absurd! Ridiculous! Preposterous! Phantasmagorical! Soon, we'll be virtually back in Britain's reign! They say that their precious checks and balances and separation of powers will prevent that, but I'm quite sceptical. BAH! Look how England's Parliament worked out! I think this Constitution will fail, and with it our young country's chances of surviving in a dog-eat-dog world.

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