Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Dear George,
I am SO confused!!!! I thought checks and balances were used to pay my extremely high taxes to King George! Now I'm being told they're part of my government?!?! I don't know what's right anymore! I've got nothing to live for! Help me!
Bett C. Ross

Dear Bett,
Calm down. This isn't worth getting worked up about. It's only one of the single most influential documents that will ever be created in the history of mankind. Now, checks and balances were included in the Constitution to make sure that no one gets too powerful. For instance, in the US government, the president can veto the legislative branch's laws, the legislative branch can impeach the president, and the judicial branch can rule things unconstitutional. There you go. Now, go get a job. I here that the Flagmaker's Union is looking for new members. Youd be great! I need to go powder my nose now. No, really.
Yours oh-so-truly,
George Washington

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